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The Wine Society annual sales results: A strong year despite challenges

Published:  19 June, 2024

The Wine Society has reported a successful financial year, with annual sales reaching £149.1m, an increase from £147.7m the previous year. The company also saw a significant profit increase, up 12% to £1.8m from £1.6m in 2022/23. This growth comes after a particularly strong performance during the Christmas season and a robust second half of the year.


Alcohol Duty: ‘One tax rise in a year is alarming, two is unacceptable’

Published:  17 November, 2023

Ahead of the Autumn Statement on 22 November, senior figures in the wine industry are voicing their concerns amidst fears of a second alcohol duty rise in the space of four months.


Wine Society summer tasting: “We will swallow inflation and duty rises”

Published:  11 July, 2023

In April 2023, in what was described as an “industry first”, The Wine Society announced it would prevent price increases despite the effects of high inflation and rising duty costs.


The Wine Society pledges to hold majority of its wine prices

Published:  13 April, 2023

In what has been described as, “an industry first”, online wine retailer The Wine Society has announced it will work with its members to prevent price increases. 


Bouncing back Q&A: Steve Finlan, CEO, The Wine Society

Published:  06 December, 2021

Over 50 million people in the UK have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, and yet Covid-19 continues to shape our lives and that of the drinks trade. The emergence of the Omicron variant has got the international community deeply concerned, while certain European nations have reintroduced lockdown measures. Nevertheless, the UK trade remains robust and resilient, but with Christmas looming it is not clear that we're out of the woods yet.